The Woman Who Anointed Jesus

So, was Judas right? Would it not have been truer to the spirit of Christ to sell the pound of perfume for three hundred denarii --- a lot of money in those days --- and distribute the money to the poor? Yet Jesus puts Judas down, telling him, “Leave her alone.” And what are we to make of how Jesus’ justifies Mary’s, perhaps impetuous, act: “You always have the poor with you,” Jesus says, “but you do not always have me.” Not exactly a response in keeping with Jesus’ spirit of humility. A little uncharacteristic.

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Astounding Glory/Wholly Holy

Here on the edge of Lent, as we turn with Jesus toward Jerusalem and the mount of Calvary, we pause on another mountain for one of those "peak experiences" as sought-after by post-Enlightenment, scientifically minded folks as by those who call themselves "post-modern." What is that about, that deep human longing to taste, however briefly, the transcendence of God?

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Sunday 1-17-16

My friend Kate says about this week’s gospel lesson that timing and abundance are intertwined in this story from here at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. Actually, Jesus has not yet begun teaching or working wonders among the people, yet his mother has confidence that he can help when a crisis arises at the wedding of a friend. In this story, John provides a glimpse of Jesus and his mother as human beings who had friends, who "partied," and who fretted when something went wrong.

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Do Not Fear

“Do not fear.”  What a thing to say to us, to tell us humans who are full of fears, both small and great ones, do not fear.  And Jesus, who in today’s gospel reading is declared the Son of God, the one with whom God is well pleased, Jesus tells us the same thing, in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus says: “Do not fear, only believe … do not fear,” he says, even “those who can kill the body but who cannot kill the soul.”

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Sunday 1-3-16

What do you dream about when you are going through a particularly scary or fearful time? When there are changes going on in your life, like relocation to a new or different home? Starting a new job or a new project within the old job? Or maybe there are conflicts in the old job that might lead to relocation and/or a new job? When you are going through those hard and demanding times, what do you dream about at night? My most prevalent “stress dream” is the one where I forgot the baby.

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