Welcome and Fellowship

St. Barnabas' Episcopal Church sits on Main Street in Norwich, directly on the Appalachian Trail and just a minute from Exit 13 on Interstate 91. We are happy to welcome you to our 100 year old sanctuary to worship, to pray, to meditate.  Maybe you are a traveler passing through town; maybe you are a new neighbor. Whether you are clear about your spiritual journey or wavering in doubt, we welcome you. Our message is "God is Love." Our services use liturgies that connect us to our past . . . and to the church around the globe.  The prayers and music are sometimes 400 hundred years old and are spoken and sung in churches around the world.


Each Sunday at 10 AM we gather to listen to the words of the Bible, including readings from the Old Testament and New Testament.  Our preacher uses one of the texts for a sermon to guide our understanding, to encourage our faith, and to move us from faith to action. The framework for our worship is presented in the Book of Common Prayer.  The hymns we sing together are mostly found in The Hymnal 1982, of the Episcopal Church.  

Sundays at 10:00 AM Holy Eucharist-Rite II Book of Common Prayer, with sung liturgy and hymns. 

Coffee Hour

After the 10 AM worship service we gather to share coffee in our Parish Hall. This is a chance to find out who gathered the flowers on the altar or learn what someone read recently.  We'll listen to your story and help you feel at home.

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild at St. Barnabas attends to the many details behind the scenes that make our church a welcoming and beautiful place.  From the flowers on the altar, to the care and placement of liturgical paraments on the altar, lectern and pulpit, the volunteers transform our building into a holy place for all.

Soup on Wednesday

On the first and third Wednesdays of each month at noon, a number of us gather for soup and bread to take a break from our busy week and chat with friends in the Parish Hall.  One brings homemade soup, others bring bread and cheese. The conversation doesn't often to go far from "How's your week?" or "Nice soup." But sometimes we talk about church. 

Sharing our Stories

About once a month we have a potluck dinner where one of our members is invited to talk about a personal experience or interest. Sometimes we ask folks in the community who are not attending our church to talk.  Everyone brings a dish or drinks or a pizza to share, and at the end of the talk we enjoy conversation with our meal.


We would love to have more children with us. It's a joy to know that a new generation is being nurtured in the wisdom and understanding of God.  Children can stay during the worship service or they can attend a story time called Godly Play during a portion of the service.  There they learn the stories of the Bible. When children are old enough to undertake a task as part of the service, they are encouraged.  They can learn about sacred space; and adults can appreciate that a sacred space is not always a quiet space.