What are we coming to?

What a heartfelt invitation from the Book of Revelation: “Come,” come all you thirsty ones, come; take the water of life, take it as a gift.  For who is not thirsty for life, and who doesn’t wish for the water of life.  But even as we wish for the water of life, we are also looking at our world, listening to the daily news, finding ourselves asking ourselves, “What are we coming to, what in the world are we as a human race coming to?”

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The Woman Who Anointed Jesus

So, was Judas right? Would it not have been truer to the spirit of Christ to sell the pound of perfume for three hundred denarii --- a lot of money in those days --- and distribute the money to the poor? Yet Jesus puts Judas down, telling him, “Leave her alone.” And what are we to make of how Jesus’ justifies Mary’s, perhaps impetuous, act: “You always have the poor with you,” Jesus says, “but you do not always have me.” Not exactly a response in keeping with Jesus’ spirit of humility. A little uncharacteristic.

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