Living into the Promise (…of home)

I am so grateful to be home. I cannot express the amazing joy I feel deep inside to be home and to call this place of such beauty and gift, home. For me, part of that ‘knowledge, a feeling, an assurance that even in the midst of that pain or doubt or suffering, God is good’ is in being so privileged as to live in a place that calls to many, many, people from all around the country and even the world to come and explore, walk through or journey through.

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Sermon by The Rev. Karen S. Sheldon

I'm referring to the fact that we are born into a world of infinite dimensions, only three of which we are able to see clearly. A fourth we can recognize only in sequence as we observe living things growing and declining through time.  Yet we are constantly bombarded with intuitions of higher truths that can't be proven, and often seem counter to our own self-interest.  It's as though we are born blindfolded and spun around a few times, and then turned loose to grope for some kind of handhold on ultimate Reality.

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The Man Who Wanted to Live

We think that this morning’s gospel reading is about a good Samaritan, a despised figure in ancient Israelite culture, and about a stretching of the word “neighbor” to include anyone encountered in need.  And, of course, it is that, though not merely that, nor even mainly that, if for no other reason than that the Samaritan, who serves as an example of what it means to be a neighbor, is a fictional character, just as the robbers, the beaten up man, the priest and the Levite are all fictional characters created by Jesus to help a lawyer learn what it means to live a human life under God.

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